Battery Room Site Assessment
Compliance Gap Analysis for Facility Managers
Attain Regulatory Compliance and Facility Safety!
Compliance "Tune-up"?
- Maintain Compliance
- Get Professional Review
- Lower costs and risks
- Meet ever changing Federal,
State and local Codes and
Battery Room Assessment Review
- Compliance Gap Report
- EH&S Requirements
- Recommended Actions
- Industry Best Practices
- Consult with the Experts
- Code References
Schedule your Confidential Review!
This PRIVATE 1 Hour on-line review provides details of the assessment
and provides critical data to develop an action plan.
- Option 1: Schedule 1 week from the On-Site
Assessment with your On-site Analyst.
- Option 2: Contact us to set up an appointment at [email protected]
You will receive confirmation, access to your document and log-in to
the Private On-line Meeting.
What is a Confidential Site Assessment?.....
A site assessment is a Loss Prevention and a client cost reduction activity as well as an
educational process. An onsite evaluation of a client's battery room(s) and overall facility to
enable meeting compliance regulations from the many Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ's).
Why is a site assessment necessary? .....
Site assessments enable companies to keep up with ever changing requirements of the AHJ's
including but not limited to:
- Fire Department code enforcement
- Building Inspector
- HazMat Inspector
- Insurance Carrier inspectors
- Loss Prevention
- Facility Owners and Managers
- Real Estate Professionals
- Environmental Compliance Manager
- Corporate Health and Safety -- Among OTHERS
How long does a site assessment take? .....
The site assessment process is secure, confidential and combines data collection at the site as
well as observation by personnel trained in the compliance process that allows the end user to
understand the complexities of compliance while taking the guess work out of it. It is NOT an
audit. The length of time depends on the number of rooms but is approx.1 hr per address. Add
15 minutes for each additional battery room within a facility. You will receive a confidential hard
copy and soft copy report.
Why do I have to complete a pre-site assessment survey? .....
A pre-site assessment survey gives the compliance site analyst information about the location and
a chance to review pertinent data relative to the site, room capacity and usage prior to doing the
assessment so that the process is organized and seamless allowing for maximum evaluation and
minimizing work disruptions or delays onsite so the facility manager can get back to the job of
running the critical site. This also helps to ensure overall recommended actions and action plans
are specific to the customer and the facility.
How long does it take to get the report? .....
The report is usually ready within three to five days workings days. Reports can be provided
within 72 hours if requested. It is a loss preventative action report to mitigate any potential risk
for environmental health and safety requirements. The compliance checklist used to evaluate the
process and is only a recommendation to maintain compliance with Federal, State and local AHJ's
as well as industry best practices. As part of the service, a critical site services expert will review
the confidential findings in the report with you via, Webex, phone, with your key staff, along with
the site analyst to discuss the information. At that time, an Action Plan for compliance can added
to accomplish the recommended actions.
When is the best time to schedule a site assessment? .....
The best time to do a site assessment is during annual, biannual or quarterly scheduled
maintenance; to be most cost effective; many of our customers dovetail a planned scheduled
battery or UPS maintenance visit with a site assessment to save time and money. Other ideal
times for a site assessment are re-commissioning and prior to battery replacement and EH&S
What is the difference between a Level One, Level Two and Level Three assessment? .....
A Level One is a basic assessment which covers 14 check points that are fundamental for basic
operations. The Level Two assessment is customized for up to 23 facility compliance points that
includes HazMat, HazComm, SPCC (spill prevention, control and countermeasures), training,
documentation that also includes reviewing battery recycling, and handling practices. The Level
Three assessment is designed for companies that have EH&S standards in place and may also be
ISO 14001 certified and require third party assistance in ensuring their existing practices are
being maintain in the field. These assessments require a more comprehensive assessment based
on ISO 14000 standards and encompass all facilities storage and use areas. Level three
assessment is also designed for a company seeking ISO 14000 certification to help them meet
such requirements. Each level receives a Confidential Site Assessment Report. The report allows the client to build a prevention plan and is a working document for our client to use to addresses issues of ever
changing regulations to ensure compliance annually in the event of an audit by an AHJ.
What are the regulatory requirements covered in a Level One Site Assessment? .....
Level One site assessments include basic Federal and State regulations for stationary storage
battery systems. For an additional fee, a more comprehensive local code search by geographic
region and the AHJ's, can be obtained. Our basic assessment is reviewing and comparing Code of
Federal Regulation compliance with CFR 40 and 49. NFPA, IEEE recommended practices, OSHA,
HAZ Mat inspectors checklist items, insurance inspection, hazard communications and industry
best practices. As mentioned we can also audit to corporate Environmental, Health and Safety practices and assist companies who are establishing a corporate EH&S standard for standby power applications.
Why do I need to schedule a follow-up appointment w/ the site assessor? .....
A Site Assessment Review is necessary to help ensure that you understand the complexities of
compliance, answer questions you may have and to give you an update as to how your facility did
in the assessment process. It also serves as an opportunity to build an Action Plan to meet
compliance required by AHJ in the event the room has needs to meet compliance goals by these
agencies. All reports are simply recommendation and to inform end users what best industry
practices are being applied in their region and typically what local AHJ are most likely to require.
Is the Site Assessment Report and overall process confidential? .....
Yes, it strictly confidential. The report is not shared with any other 3rd party and reports are
only given to authorized personnel from the individual or designated company employee seeking
the site assessment. In addition, the site assessment is NOT an AUDIT and NO reports are given
to any AHJ under any circumstances, We consider this as attorney client privilege information.
We consider this consulting a cost reduction effort and a benefit to our end users.
Who gets a copy of the report or has access to it? .....
The report is confidential and is accessed only by the company official from the facility who we
meet with at the site or who has requested us to review the site form the corporate office. IT IS
NOT GIVEN TO ANY AHJ's under any circumstance.
Who will be performing the Assessment and reviewing my reports and what are their
qualifications? .....
EnviroGuard site assessments information is collected by experts and reports generated by
qualified EH&S certified professionals who have experience in Environmental Health and Safety.
In addition, Level Two and Three assessments can include qualified EH&S certified professionals
with specialties in Electrical, Hazardous Material Management, Hazardous Energy Controls, Safe
Work Permits, Infrastructure Risk Assessment and Program Development, Construction Safety
and Facility Audits, and Construction Risk Insurance Program analysis. Areas of specialty also
include EHS Program Development for new companies, OSHA Record Keeping and Document
Control, OSHA Laboratory Standards and Regulated Substances, Asbestos and Mold, Chemical
Safety, Environmental Emergency Services for the purposes of Risk Control and Emergency
Program Management, Hydrogen Sulfite Awareness, Job Hazard Analysis, Respiratory Protection,
Lead Safety Risk Analysis and US DOT Hazardous Material Transport. In addition, our Review
Team is comprised of certified professionals in one or more of the following areas: Certified
Safety Professional (CSP), Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), and Certified Electronics
Technicians (CET), Registered Professional Industrial Hygienist (RPIH), Toxics Use Reduction
Planners (TURP), SPCC and other specialties.
What happens if the action plan indicates I need to increase my compliance equipment
or processes? Can you help with budget planning and short and long term goals to meet
requirements of AHJ in the event of an audit? .....
As part of our commitment to lower cost of compliance, EnviroGuard is a partner and will help to build a compliance program that meets the needs of all AHJ and in doing so will help with best
practices and budgets to streamline the process and ensure compliance immediately.
If the regulations or codes change, don't I fall under "The Grandfather Clause"? .....
No, typically hazardous material requirements tend to become more restrictive and usually do not
provide variance or exemption except in very rare cases; additionally, Hazmat may have different
requirements than local fire department code enforcement, so it is key to know how those
changes will affect the facility being assessed. Also, if a retrofit has occurred, again,
requirements by AHJ's may increase compliance needs by virtue of ever changing regulations.
EnviroGuard Critical Site Services is provides observations and assistance to end users who are
overpaying for compliance or using contractors who are not qualified to assist them in properly
interpreting the regulations and typically over spending for solutions.
If items are found that don't meet compliance standards, what do I do? .....
Together, we will help you build a compliance conformance plan and help with budget planning to
achieve that using tools that meet the facilities needs, quickly, effectively and efficiently. We can
assist in a long term cost effective plan that incorporate, best pricing, solution for the application
and financing in many cases.
Can I perform the Assessment myself? .....
Our Site analyst have years of experience are trained in areas of EHS and are well versed in areas
of ever changing compliance regulations. While you can check for some things, our trained
compliance experts can insure your data collection process includes all necessary EH&S Standards
and then we analyze them so a proper report and conformance plan can be developed. We can
provide a custom site assessment training program that is sustainable if required.
How does an Assessment benefit me and my organization? .....
It is a proactive approach to loss prevention that reduces cost and avoids unnecessary expenses
of an incorrect solution. Furthermore, it is a loss preventative tool to use to help you maintain
the lifecycle of the critical site. Each recommendation made in the site assessment process is
measured against what an AHJ would require during an inspection. It is also may be a cost
savings tool from an insurance perspective, as you have a plan and analysis relating to
compliance requirements.
I have VRLA batteries, why do I need an assessment? .....
Because flooded and VRLA battery have different requirements as regulated by the AHJ's. Also,
because these regulations are ever changing it is vital to keep current on them so as to meet
compliance regulations and to ensure asset protection. Also, the site assessment process covers
more than just spill containment and spill control counter measures, it also covers safety and
other EH&S requirements that are included in formal compliances reviews as conducted by AHJ's.
Why do you have a separate Valve Regulated Lead Acid batteries(VRLA) check list if
VRLA do not require containment in most cases? .....
Because flooded and VRLA battery assessment processes due to different requirements as
regulated by the AHJ's. Also, the site assessment process goes far beyond spill containment and
spill prevention control and countermeasures; it also covers other EH&S requirements that are
included in formal compliances reviews as conducted by AHJ's.